Note: Most people will not do what I recommend in this short article. However, those who do will easily separate themselves from the masses who don’t. It’s common sense, but it’s not common practice. It worked for me…I was promoted 14 times during my 20 year corporate career while applying this principle.
Ask for More Responsibility
When you accept more responsibility, you will gain more influence.
“If we embrace the chance of living life to the fullest, then we must be willing to accept responsibility for doing it.” ~ Ria Story
The quickest way to build trust with your boss is to get results. The easiest way to ensure you don’t have a boss looking over your shoulder is to get results. The quickest way to increase your influence with the boss is to get results.
It’s probably no surprise most people have learned if they get really great results, they will be asked to do more and be involved in more things. Why? Because they get results and bosses depend heavily on the people who get the best results. If you were the boss, you would do the same.
Makes perfect sense to me. They are the ones making things happen!
Far too often, some people attempt to regulate their efforts when they understand how bosses think and what bosses do.
They hold back a little. Their goal is to do what they consider to be a good job, not too far ahead of others and not too far behind others. Nice and smooth right down the middle, so they can feel secure about maintaining a steady income, feel good about giving an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, and avoid being asked to do more than what they already have to do.
They are not bad people. But, they also are not exceptional people. They are average people doing what average people do, a good job.
Doing a good job is not a bad thing, but doing a great job is an exceptional thing.
When it comes to leading, it’s all about increasing your influence with the high impact leaders in the organization. You don’t do that by being an average team member, you do that by being an exceptional team member.
I’m assuming since you’re still reading this book, I’ve got your attention. You’re interested. Or at least, you’re still curious.
What I know about you is you are already exceptional or you’re on the verge of making some changes and will soon become exceptional. Either way, I’m proud of you for sticking with me, and I’m excited about the future you are choosing.
If you want to be a game changer, get noticed, and make a high impact, average people make it easy for you to shine.
I learned how to become exceptional early in my career when I noticed how those around me could do more but wouldn’t. I’ve been doing it relentlessly my entire career. It’s very simple and easy to do. Anyone with ambition to move beyond average can get started the next time they go to work.
It’s another one of those common sense things too. It makes perfect sense. Yet, few people do it because it takes uncommon sense to act.
Most of the time it’s not easy to get pay increases or promotions. There is only so much in the pot and only so many positions to be filled. If you want to climb the “corporate ladder” and the “corporate pay scale” you must make what I’m about to share a habit for the rest of your career. It will make you an exceptional team member in the eyes of high impact leaders faster than anything else.
I learned early in my career most people complain about their pay. They don’t feel like they are paid enough. And as a result, they don’t give their all on the job. They let their feelings get in the way. They have the mindset of “if they will pay me more I will do more.” So, their focus is on getting a raise instead of doing a better job.
When you start a new job at a new company, you don’t show up on the first day and receive two weeks of pay. That doesn’t happen. You must work two weeks first. Then, you get paid for two weeks. That’s a principle. We must do the work before we get paid for doing it.
That’s why asking for more responsibility instead of a raise is such a powerful way to leverage your influence. Ask to be on improvement teams. Ask to be on special projects. Ask what you can do to help. Get involved. Volunteer for special events.
Everyone appreciates someone sincerely wanting to help.
Or, don’t ask. Just do. Do what you know needs to be done but isn’t getting done whether it’s your responsibility or not. Make it your responsibility. Make it happen. This is not a hard thing to do. If you have the time and the ability, do it.
The best businesses over deliver right? Remember, you’re working for yourself. So, over deliver to improve your word of mouth advertisement. People will notice. You will build new relationships and gain influence in new areas with new people.
Don’t worry about the average people giving you a hard time. Trust me. They will. I can’t tell you how many times I heard “There goes a shooting star.” or “There you go kissing up again.” Some were much worse. I won’t share them here.
What you need to know is average people aren’t willing to do what exceptional people are willing to do. They say, “You’re making us look bad.” That’s one of the ways they try to pull you back down to their level. It’s tough when they’re in the group of five people you hang around the most. If someone doesn’t want you to do well, are they for you or against you? Does it matter? It should.
Are you living your life by default or by design?
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